

Here we will be posting the current version of the template

1.8 Arrow bounce interaction added to About Us page, Hero section.

1.7 A bug on Firefox was causing overlapping on the rotating words. If you have PREVIOUS version of Veritas please follow this steps.


-Delete the  section that contains the Rotational Words and copy/paste the new updated version section. For this you need to send an email to so we can transfer you the updated template and then you can copy the updated section.

If you have any trouble please contact us.

1.6 "Client, Year and Website" was added to Works Page

1.5 "Position Sticky" added to Faq Page

1.4 Minor correction made on Visit our Work where one thumbnail (2a) was showing an error that didn't allow to change the image for another one.

1.3 Instruction video was added on how to edit the rotational words.

1.2 Changed the content wrapper to 1130 px width, was 1190.

1.1 Current State added to footer and navbar links

1.0 Initial template version

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